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庆祝建党百年 红歌翻译传唱——BET体育365投注官网梁根顺教授翻译传唱红歌《十唱共产党》为党的百年华诞献礼
日期: 2021-06-29      信息来源:      点击数:


一唱共产党 好比那红太阳
祖国跨进新时代 凯歌遍城乡
二唱共产党 全民奔小康
一带一路创伟业 前程宽又广
三唱共产党 春色满家乡
苹果飘香人欢畅 洛川美名扬
四唱共产党 老区大变样
洛川会议载史册 传统永发扬
五唱共产党 科技下了乡
脱贫致富百业旺 人人喜洋洋
六唱共产党 大塬飘书香
书香朗朗歌声起 文化颂吉祥
七唱共产党 绿树满沟梁
绿水青山风光好 世代享安康
八唱共产党 医疗有保障
防治一体办法好 人人乐而康
九唱共产党 公路赛蛛网
村村镇镇汽笛响 处处笑声扬
十唱共产党 红旗永飘扬,
感恩党啊跟党走 明天更辉煌


One: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and compare her to the rising sun.
Motherland has stepped into a New Era with paean sung over the country.

Two: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and strive for a well-off society.
The Belt and Road Initiative has created a great cause and better amenities.

Three: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and the rural areas are flourishing.
Fruit trees & cash-cow crops send out fragrance and make LC well-known.

Four: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and the Base has changed greatly.
The LC Conference is recorded in history and the Tradition is in continuity.

Five: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and hi-tech has reached the country.
Poverty has been uprooted and people have become rich with smiling faces.

Six: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and learning permeates every place.
Loud elocution rises in the air and our culture brings about auspiciousness.

Seven: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and gullies and ravines afforested.
Clear waters and green hills make nice scenery and we sure enjoy well-being.

Eight: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and our medical care is guaranteed.
Integrated prevention and cure is a huge thumbs-up and we all enjoy felicity.

Nine: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and roads look much like spider-webs.
Cars whistle along through villages and laughter fills every corner of the place.

Ten: We enthusiastically eulogize CPC and the National Flag will fly forever.
We sincerely thank our great CPC and tomorrow a brilliant future will await us.



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